What are the Most Common Causes of Duct Damage?

Ducts, whether made of a softer flexible material or a harder metal or plastic, will inevitably wear out over time. In some cases, sections of your ducts may have collapsed or crushed due to age. Rust can form in air ducts when the air that circulates through them has a high moisture content. This moisture can come from a variety of sources, such as living in a humid climate or condensation coming off the evaporator coils.

Additionally, if there is a leak in the pipes, water can flow directly into the ducts. If the air conditioner is too large and runs too fast to dehumidify the air properly, this can also cause problems. Homeowners who neglect to maintain their ductwork may create a bigger problem in the future. Mold can thrive in neglected ductwork, and dust accumulation can damage the boiler, air conditioning, and other HVAC appliances. Annual pipeline inspections should be your goal to avoid costly repairs in the future and get the best performance out of your ducts. Rodents, small bugs, and insects can enter the duct system and cause serious damage.

You may notice rodents in your ducts, as they make unusual noises as they run through the system. You may also notice small insects that crawl through the vents. The presence of dirt, dust and biological contaminants in ducts can reduce indoor air quality. Duct damage is usually easy to repair. In most cases, all you need to do is replace the old adhesive tape with new adhesive tape.

However, if the leak is in a bad place or if there is more than one leak, you may need to completely replace the ducts to restore normal airflow. Having an authorized service technician inspect ducts will help identify rodents in ducts and eliminate dirt and decaying organisms. The next most common cause of clogged air ducts is blockages caused by rodents building nests inside them. Rodents use flammable materials, such as dry leaves and twigs, to build their nests, so nests in ducts can pose a fire hazard as they trap heat. Pests enjoy the humidity and warmth of air ducts, and many will try to build nests inside them if they find an access point from outside. Ducts can also be damaged by impacts during installation or remodeling, and these wrinkled sections can remain hidden in walls until inspected by a professional.

Regular cleaning of the duct system will also ensure that the ducts are free of biological contaminants. Understanding the risk factors that cause duct damage will help you recognize when your own ducts could be damaged, so you can request repairs when needed. Ducts are prone to damage, reducing the efficiency of the HVAC system when it comes to cooling and heating your home.

Gwendolyn Krammer
Gwendolyn Krammer

Hardcore bacon ninja. Wannabe zombie junkie. Evil zombieaholic. Subtly charming coffee fan. Evil tv scholar.

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