Can Damaged Ducts Lead to Higher Energy Bills? - An Expert's Perspective

Air ducts are an essential part of any home, and if they are not properly sealed or insulated, they can lead to increased energy bills. Poorly maintained ductwork in an air conditioning system can result in a less efficient system, higher heating and cooling costs, and higher operating expenses. There are several common issues that can cause energy waste in air ducts, which are often hidden from view. Most residential ducts are made of plastic or a type of insulating cardboard called a duct plate, both of which can easily break and leak.

Construction, insects, humidity, and excess air pressure can all contribute to air duct leaks and high electricity bills.The heat pump, furnace, boiler, or air conditioning unit itself may not be the problem. Ducts are not indestructible and can develop leaks over time. It is also possible that something has punctured or detached from the ducts, resulting in hot or cold air leaking into the attic or other areas instead of reaching the intended rooms. Leaks in the ducts will cause the unit to run for longer periods of time until it reaches the temperature set on the thermostat, resulting in higher costs. It is important to check the condition of the air ducts since dirt and debris can accumulate in them and contaminate the air quality in the home.

People living in homes with poor quality ducts may experience symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and allergies. Mold and mildew are more likely to accumulate in sheet metal ducts, so caution should be taken when inspecting them. If a contractor determines that the duct system is in very poor condition, they may suggest replacing the entire system or parts of it. Leaks in air ducts can cause up to 30% of air to escape from the ventilation system according to ENERGY STAR. This type of test uses a high-power fan installed in an inlet connected to pressure gauges to first pressurize the space and then re-pressurize it with the air duct cut off.

Leaks can be caused by various factors such as renovations, corrosion, poor installation, manufacturer defects, or even bites and scratches from furry pests. Sometimes ducts can come loose from each other or need a replacement part instead of replacing the entire duct. Duct sealing is a process that uses materials to seal air leaks inside ducts, preventing air loss and contamination from entering the ducts. If you are replacing a heating or air conditioning system in your home, it is best to test your ductwork first.

Gwendolyn Krammer
Gwendolyn Krammer

Hardcore bacon ninja. Wannabe zombie junkie. Evil zombieaholic. Subtly charming coffee fan. Evil tv scholar.

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