Preventative Measures to Avoid Future Duct Damage

Maintaining a dry environment is the most effective way to prevent biological growth in air ducts. Cleaning the system alone is not enough to control the odors coming from the ducts. To resolve the issue, preventive measures must be taken. Air duct disinfection is done to eradicate bacteria and other harmful germs, while air duct deodorization is the best option for eliminating bad odors.

Scheduling regular maintenance of your duct system will reduce the chance of damage and help it last longer, reducing high repair costs. It's best to clean your ducts at least once every three to five years, or more often if you have allergies. When evaluating a service provider for cleaning air ducts, take the same consumer precautions you would normally take. Having an authorized service technician inspect the ducts will help identify rodents in the ducts and eliminate dirt and decaying organisms.

Failing to do so could damage the ducts, leading to future repair costs. There is no evidence that a small amount of household dust or other particles in air ducts poses a health risk. It is recommended not to place anything on top of the duct system to prevent the weight from crushing the ducts or restricting airflow. Experts agree that there should be no moisture in the ducts and, if there is moisture and dirt, there is a possibility that biological contaminants will grow and be distributed throughout the house. The rotbrush can easily engage in compensation dampers or break or disconnect poorly sealed or secured ducts. All of these types of ducts include sheet metal distribution cables that help direct airflow correctly to different areas of the house, shock absorbers that balance airflow to properly distribute airflow, sealants, straps and adhesive tape to properly secure ducts.

It will not modify the layout of the duct design, increase airflow in the duct system, or rebalance the duct system. Regular cleaning of the duct system will also ensure that they are free of biological contaminants. Some cases in which it may be appropriate to use sealants to encapsulate duct surfaces include repairing damaged fiberglass insulation or combating fire damage to ducts. You may consider cleaning air ducts simply because it seems logical that air ducts get dirty over time and should be cleaned from time to time. If you decide to clean your air ducts, take the same consumer precautions you would normally take when evaluating the competence and reliability of the service provider.

Gwendolyn Krammer
Gwendolyn Krammer

Hardcore bacon ninja. Wannabe zombie junkie. Evil zombieaholic. Subtly charming coffee fan. Evil tv scholar.

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